

MAY 31


Blessed be God! Last May 31, 2022, marked the 177th birthday of our dear Mother Foundress, St. Candida Maria de Jesus.  For the Congregation of the Hijas de Jesus and the spiritual family of Mo. Candida, the feast was made more special and significant because a young woman responded to God’s call of perpetual consecration to Jesus Christ in His Church as a religious sister. 

   La invitacion actual

 The Invitation


 The Introduction was read by Sr. Catherine Cheong, online, from Quezon CIty

 11st reader

The First Reading by Sr. Edhen Mae Paranga, FI

responsorial psalm and Litany of the Saints

 The Responsorial Psalm...  and the Litany is sung by Miss Dariane Saray, an alumna of St. James Catholic High School

Fr. Patrick-main celebrant and homilist

 Rev. Fr. Joseph Raymund Patrick S. Sanchez, SJ, main celebrant-homilist

The Congregation of the Hijas de Jesus, the local Church, and the community of faith of Maasin, Iloilo celebrated with joy and gratitude the perpetual Profession of Vows of Sr. Florie May P. Llorando, F.I. within a Eucharistic Celebration with Rev. Fr. Joseph Raymund Patrick S. Sanchez, SJ, main celebrant-homilist and Rev. Fr. John Klen Malificiar, SSP and Rev. Fr. Joseph Michael Casidsid, priests-concelebrants, held at St. Candida Hall, St. James Catholic High School, Maasin, Iloilo.

the dialogue

The Dialogue

the offering

 The Offering of the Faithful

       The ecclesial, as well as the congregational celebration, was blessed with the presence of the Provincial Superior of the Indico-Pacific Province, Sr. Emelinda C. Falsis, FI, the local superior, Sr. Nilda Genovate, FI, together with the FI sisters of the Panay-Guimaras community to which Sr. Florie May belongs the whole educative community of St. James Catholic High School, Hijas de Jesus, Massin, Iloilo and invited local faithful from the Parish church of St. James the Greater, Maasin, Iloilo.  Also present on site were the family members and friends of Sr. Florie May, FI sisters from other religious communities, and lay members of the family of Mother Candida.  The occasion was streamed live via Facebook.


The Profession of the vows by Sr. Florie May

after the ring

 After the bestowal of the Ring, a tight embrace from the Provincial

15word of thanks

 Word of Thanks by Sr. Florie May

t14he faithful2

 The Faithful

            “Remain in my love,” these are the words of our Lord Jesus Christ addressed to his beloved disciples in the book of the evangelist and the beloved disciple, John.  These words of love became a source of joy, inspiration, courage, and strength not only for Sr. Florie May in her oblation of love and life-long consecration to God but also for the whole Christian community.  May all of us who love, follow, and serve the Lord in our respective life vocations continue to be instruments of God’s love in the world today. AMDG!



 The Community of Panay-Guimaras with the Celebrants



Sr. Emelinda Falsis, Fr. JK, Sr. Florie May, Sr. Nilda, Fr. Patrick, and Fr. Joseph





The Family of Sr. Florie May, including her nephew Zach...