
Regional Encounter of the Metro Manila Communities in the NCR

JUN 07

Regional Encounter of the Metro Manila Communities in the NCR

Regional Encounter of the Metro Manila Communities in the NCR

Category: Sample Data-Articles

Published on Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:07

Written by Super User

Hits: 100


The Hijas de Jesus Communities in the National Capital Region gathered on June 9-10, 2022 for a two-day- in-person regional encounter organized by the Provincial Government held at Manresa Retreat House, Quezon City. This was the very first face-to-face assembly of the sisters since the onset of the pandemic in 2020.

 underthemantleof Mary

After the opening prayer, which was prepared by the Marikina Juniorate community, Sr. Emelinda Falsis, FI, Provincial Superior, reviewed with the assembly, the three-year plan (2019-2022) of the Provincial government especially on the deepening of the Determination and the calls in apostolic action of the 18th General Congregation so as to live more authentically according to our distinct vocations (Lay and FI) in the Church.

   The theme chosen for this encounter was “Embracing poverty in our Journey Together”, a term that echoes the ongoing movement of synodality in the Church. The Junior Sisters, Crystal, and Mary Mae made the encounter very joyful and alive as they moderated the event for two days.

The Moderators Crystal and Mary Mae

    Sr. Lynn made the sisters more aware of the reality of the province and of the Congregation so that they may continue to grow in their sense of Body in mission. So, on day one, she showed the Statistical Data (Province and Congregation), which also included the age index of the sisters and the works we are engaged in in the different places where we are.

   She also presented the summary of a survey which she asked each sister to accomplish beforehand about their personal work, how they observe SELF-CARE, and the experiences of joy, and challenges they face in living community life. The cap of the survey was a reflection on the statement: “To be an Hija de Jesus in mission today is…” which actually summed up the sisters’ meaning of their being Hijas de Jesus in this present time.


     Sr. Lorna Genovate, the Provincial Econome, showed the 2020-2021 economic state of the Philippine Region. Sr. Victoria Lim, a Provincial Counsellor, facilitated the updates on the Apostolic Works in Bangladesh and Japan, which included their response to the call of Laudato Si, and their participation in the synodality in the Church. She also showed videos on the new experience of TCMJ being under the management of St. Camillus’ MedHaven.


     The familial conversation that followed was animated and spirited as it was concerned with our economic situation as a province. Watching the video from Bangladesh and Japan made the sisters appreciate both the mission and the enlivened involvement of our sisters in these places.

Bangladeshvideo Japanvideo TCMJvideo

    More importantly, as the sisters interacted with one another, laughed, and shared with one another, no doubt, this encounter has strengthened our familial bond as being true daughters of Mother Candida.

    Knowing the reality of the Province and the whole congregation stirred in the sisters some feelings of fears, doubts, and questionings, and yet it aroused in them greater trust and confidence in the Providence of God who is a loving Father. It invited them to embrace all those challenges and concerns with greater hope, and deep desires to be more effective witnesses of the charism, as individuals and communities, so that the Lord could lead young women to join this congregation.  The sisters, almost in one voice, expressed the words “Gratitude”, “Hope” and “ Trust” at the closing prayer, after an examen of the first day which was prepared by the Sisters of Paranaque Residence.

     The second day, after the morning prayer led by the Manila Residence, was a continuation of the presentations in short video clips about the concrete responses of the apostolic centers and communities to the calls of Laudato Si,  our participation in the synodal process, and our gestures of Solidarity with the poor families through Housing Projects (Province and apostolic Centers). This was facilitated by Sr. Leoly Quitorio, FI.

 Cebulaudatosi MARIKINAlAUDATO Cebusynodality   MMLaudatosi  MMSynoldaity PG LAUDATOsI Elsalhousing SMAD Housing

St. CandidaFarm  The rpovincials Teams

     The sisters also got to know about the different provincial teams, namely, the Formation Team, The Economic Team, The Team on Educative action and its committees, such as the Personnel, The Social apostolate, Youth Ministry Team, Pastoral Vocation Team, and the newly added  Provincial Communications Team.  Each sector had a video presentation on its objectives and how it implemented its activities. They have become a great help for the government in implementing its mission. Sr. Joji Silorio took charge of facilitating this part of the encounter.

     As a dynamic in this encounter, the group sharing and the familial conversations that ensued, after an ample time for reflection based on what they have seen and heard from the presentations, were joyful and fruitful exchange of ideas, feelings, passion for the mission, and a sense of family in dialogue about life as a whole which engendered love, warmth, enrichment, and unity among the sisters.

     The encounter ended with an examen, bringing to fore some feelings and thoughts, finding greater awareness and meaning of our being family as Hijas de Jesus; greater hope, desires, and seeing light even in our world of uncertainties and darkness. Most of all, the big word that everyone said openly, and in each one’s heart was Gratitude to God for everything. As Mother Foundress would always say, ‘Blessed be God in everything!”





familial ambience
